Sisters Academy of Baltimore is a scholarship-funded school.
Our vision is for Sisters Academy graduates to be esteemed scholars, excelling in all of their endeavors. They will embody self-assurance, spiritual depth, and a commitment to making meaningful contributions to our community, nation, and world.
Every gift is important!
Your investment in Sisters Academy of Baltimore (SAB) supports:
- A nurturing environment
- A rigorous academic program
- An array of enrichment activities, including athletics
- Caring and dedicated teachers and staff
- Meaningful opportunities for family involvement, and
- Continuous support to students through middle school, high school, and college
Here Are A Few Ways You Can Support Girls at SAB
Student Scholarship Sponsor
Individuals, groups, families, or businesses make a 4-year commitment to support a specific student scholarship at $10,000 annually. These sponsors will be billed annually and this sponsorship guarantees a four-year private school education for one student.
Individuals, groups, families, or businesses commit to sponsoring a student scholarship of $10,000 for one year at Sisters Academy. This pledge will only be renewed annually upon the sponsor’s request.
Submit the payment form on this page and include a comment noting your scholarship sponsor selection or call the Development Office at 410-242-1212 to set up your sponsorship.
Cohort Sponsor
Cohort Sponsors are corporate entities, organizations, foundations, or individuals that make an annual commitment of $12,500 for four years.
Each grade is divided into two sections (i.e., cohorts who travel together from one learning session to another) for instructional purposes and to achieve the small student-to-teacher ratio of 8:1.
Sponsoring a cohort helps the school maintain small class sizes and supports teachers’ ability to provide individualized attention to SAB students.
Submit the payment form on this page and include a comment noting your cohort sponsor selection or call the Development Office at 410-242-1212 to set up your sponsorship.
Class Sponsor
Class Sponsors are corporate entities, organizations, foundations, or individuals that make an annual commitment of $25,000 for four years. The focus is to provide additional scholarship funding to support an entire class, e.g. the Class of 2028.
Class Sponsors commit to a high level of funding because they believe in the mission of Sisters Academy. Often Class Sponsors interact with a class by sponsoring field trips or facilitating tours showcasing the nature of their business to provide co-curricular experiences to students.
Submit the payment form on this page and include a comment noting your class sponsor selection or call the Development Office at 410-242-1212 to set up your sponsorship.
Corporations & Organizations
Corporations and organizations that support Sisters Academy see a bigger connection between the mission of Sisters Academy and the values and direction of the organization. SAB works closely with these groups to identify how sponsorship will directly impact the challenges related to the students and communities we serve.
Corporate and organizational sponsorships are available through special events, scholarships, student activities, capital projects, and program development. The following priority areas are opportunities for corporate support:
Adopting 21st-century technology in our classrooms is essential for students to access the wide range of information available. Technology needs include interactive whiteboards, laptops, computers, and new software.
Campus Improvement Project
After 20 years, the campus needs major facility and ground improvements. The beautification of the campus and the renovation of classrooms and buildings create an environment in which students feel comfortable, motivated, and proud. The community is also improved with a campus that sets a standard.
Supplemental Programming
Intensive supplemental educational programs are essential to prepare students for a college prep curriculum and improve levels of academic achievement.
Eleven-Month Program
A unique summer program is a component of our 11-month curriculum. All students attend this academically demanding session balanced with co-curricular activities.
Our enrichment classes reflect a wide range of interests and activities. The impact of these classes extends beyond the classroom and expands students’ worldviews and cultural experiences. Classes include service, athletics, and the arts.
Contact the Development Office at 410-242-1212 to schedule a meeting to discuss a corporate or organizational partnership.
Donate Online
We accept online donations, simply use the form on this page.
Gifts By Mail
The simplest and most direct way to support Sisters Academy is to send a cash gift. Please make checks payable to “Sisters Academy of Baltimore“.
Send your donation to:
Sisters Academy of Baltimore
Development Office
139 First Avenue
Baltimore, MD 21227-3002
Monthly Giving Club
Make contributions on a regular basis throughout the year to assist with ongoing instructional costs, maintaining a safe and comfortable school environment, and transporting the majority of our students to and from school every day.
Annual Fund
Help us provide a strong core curriculum plus life skills, computer training, co-curricular activities (like sports and clubs), and guidance for Sisters Academy graduates who are in high school.
Workplace Charitable Campaigns
If you are a federal, state, or Baltimore City employee, consider designating Sisters Academy of Baltimore as the charity to receive your workplace contributions.
- For the Chesapeake Area Combined Federal Campaign (CFC), just write our code #46817 on your pledge form.
- For the Maryland Charity Campaign (MCC), write in #341975939.
- For the Baltimore City Charity Campaign (CCC), write in #2746.
- For the United Way Campaign, you can designate Sisters Academy for your pledge. Just write in:
Sisters Academy of Baltimore
139 First Avenue
Baltimore, MD 21227-3002
Gifts of Securities
Sisters Academy is able to accept stock gifts. Call Megan Brune at Brown Advisory, 410-537-5308, to initiate your donation.
Retail & Supermarket Donation Programs
Sisters Academy will receive credits when you shop.
Register your Bonus Card with Giant Food and specify school ID 04638. Current supporters do NOT need to re-register their Giant Card. |
Register your Harris Teeter VIC card and specify school ID 1837. All VIC cards must be linked yearly. |
Register your Weis Club Card online and specify our school ID 86699. Weis Club cards need to be registered once each school year. |
Use the Box Tops app to scan your store receipts for participating products. Sisters Academy of Baltimore will automatically earn cash with every Box Tops product you buy. Download the Box Tops app and scan your receipt. |
Matching Gifts
Many corporations offer matching gifts for charitable donations made by employees and their spouses. Check with your employment office to see if Sisters Academy of Baltimore qualifies under the guidelines of their matching gift program. Submit the matching gift form along with your donation, and we will complete the verification section and return it to your employer.
Planned Giving
Placing Sisters Academy of Baltimore in your will leaves a legacy that enables Sisters Academy of Baltimore to continue to offer quality education to young women from southwest Baltimore now and into the future.
In-Kind Donations
Crab Feast Sponsorships
July 18th Crab Feast
Recurring Donations
Support Us With A Recurring Monthly Donation!
One-Time Donations
Support Us With A Single Donation!