Annually, our scholarship sponsors are invited to campus to meet and interact with their sponsored student for several hours. The occasion starts with a conversation period before the school bell rings and all proceed to a designated classroom and participate in one or more planned activities. Students have prepared models or do live demonstrations on skills learned in the classroom. Often the activity involves sponsor participation. This leads to more conversations with students about their learning experiences at Sisters Academy. Sponsor Day concludes with the President giving a “state of the school” update and the eighth graders revealing their high school selection.
The occasion is very important for our students. Each girl eagerly awaits meeting her sponsor and having the opportunity to say “Thank You” in person for giving her the gift of a wonderful education.
Please call 410-242-1212 ext. 14 or email btipton@sistersacademy,org to let us know you are coming.
139 First Avenue
Baltimore, Maryland 21227-3002
410-242-5104 (fax)
Park in the parking lot and enter via the gym/hall door.